Sunday, July 12, 2015

A new approach

This is definitely not my first time blogging.

I've had a Xanga, Wordpress, Tumblr, and even other Bloggers but I just ended up deleting all of them. Mostly I just used these websites as a means to connect with my friends, who were all using their blogs as immensely detailed diary entries about their "adventures" throughout high school. Every time I started up a new blog, in a few weeks I'd lose interest in sitting at the computer and typing long paragraphs about little teenage things that wouldn't matter after graduation. I guess in essence the idea of using a blog as a public online diary is a little too cringe-worthy for me.

So, this time I just want to create a blog that's not too incredibly personal, but something that shows just enough of me so that people feel like they can approach me. Call it the start of my own personal brand, if you will.

This will be a place for me to highlight the little things that make me, me.